Somatic Facial and Body Treatments

The term somatic relates to how the body perceives, responds and stores information via the nervous system. My approach to somatic facial and body treatments focuses on:

☯︎ Body awareness: Practices that utilize stillness or engage the sensory receptors in gentle ways (such as myofascial release and craniosacral therapy) often increase awareness of bodily sensations. This helps you become more attuned to how your physical sensations are linked to emotions and stress.

☯︎ Stress and tension: Emotional and mental stress manifests physically in the body - tight muscles, shallow breathing and tension in the face or jaw are common examples. One way that we help to release these patterns and rewire the brain is by engaging the parasympathetic nervous system (the "rest and digest" system).

☯︎ Neuromuscular connection: The bodywork techniques that I incorporate focus on the connection between the brain, fascia and muscles. Through slow, intentional movement, mindful touch and an understanding of how sensory input works, we can help retrain the nervous system and encourage the body to release stored trauma (aka tension, stress and compensation patterns).

From beginning to end, every step of your treatment is curated specifically to respect your nervous system.

Why are somatic treatments effective?

Many holistic facial practitioners see the skin as a map of what is going on in the body, and while this is true the symptoms we look for are not isolated in one system or organ. They exist because the nervous system is sending messages to the body, telling it to act certain ways when we don’t feel safe. The nervous system is the root cause.

During a somatic treatment, the goal is to use a combination of sensory experiences (touch, sound, weight, temperature, smell) to improve the mind-body connection and, as you shift into safety and rest, form new neural pathways that re-train the body to move into a relaxed state easier.

To put it simply - the more your vagus nerve engages and turns the rest and digest state on in your body, the more resilient your nervous system becomes to adversity. Being in the rest and digest state is the only way for your body and mind to function properly and heal itself.

Almost all approaches to esthetics accept the belief that common skin concerns are triggered by chronic stress, worry, anxiety and lack of sleep. The same is true of bodywork when it comes to chronic pain or muscle tension. The Eastern approaches take it a step further and also consider spiritual and energetic influences, such as feelings of grief, anger, restriction or stagnation. Spiritual and emotional wellbeing takes a huge toll on the body’s health, increasing inflammation and compromising the ability to heal from advanced treatments or deep tissue work.

This makes it almost impossible to get long-lasting results on the skin by simply applying product and ignoring the rest. A facial treatment combining Eastern and Western frameworks paired with nervous system support can provide amazing results, even for the most stubborn skin conditions.

On the body, it is impossible to get long-lasting results by digging in as hard as possible and causing pain with deep tissue massage. Bodywork that respects the nervous system by incorporating stillness, energetic elements and gentle techniques will prevent the body from winding up as a protective mechanism from the massage itself.

I believe a facial or bodywork session should be a moment of stillness where you can allow yourself to be held and nurtured, and where you feel safe enough to float off into slower brainwave states.

Current Magical Manifestations

  • A set of therapeutic techniques where we massage from the inside of the mouth to sculpt the face and relieve tension.

    Indications include sculpting concerns like sagging (fat pad migration) in the lower half of the face, wrinkles or deep lines, puffiness, asymmetry, etc. and TMJD symptoms including jaw pain, jaw locking or clicking, headaches, ear aches or ringing, loss of mobility and nerve pain. Braces or Invisalign are also indications for intraoral massage, as it can help to relieve associated tension and pain.

  • A type of massage that targets the connective tissue of the body with long, slow holds or stretches. This allows the nervous system time to release tension and restriction from the inside out.

    Modified for the face, fascia work focuses on gently lifting, rolling, stretching and softening the superficial fascia in the face, neck and chest.

    The superficial fascia is the most important connective tissue in our face. Healthy fascia is fluid and mobile, allowing for free movement of fluid and information through the tissues. Unhealthy fascia becomes hardened and restricted, contributing to many common skin concerns.

    Indicated for all body and skin concerns, especially chronic pain, nervous system dysreguation, acne, aging and dehydration.

  • An incredibly gentle, nourishing technique where dry skin is stretched rhythmically to encourage the opening of lymphatic vessels and movement of fluid through lymph nodes and back into the blood stream.

    When stagnation occurs, excess fluid stays in the skin and prevents nutrients from reaching the cells. It can also flood the skin with inflammatory waste materials that would have normally been removed.

    Indications for facial/cranial work include headaches, puffiness, swelling, inflammation, redness, rosacea, eczema, acne and pigmentation. Indications for body work are the same, and include chronic pain, chronic inflammation, recent injuries or surgeries, digestive concerns and more. Manual lymphatic drainage is also indicated for dysregulated nervous systems, as the rhythmic pumping stimulates the vagus nerve and parasympathetic response.

  • Tools and techniques that can help to support the lymphatic system, but are not as effective as manual pumping techniques. These are used when there is less inflammation present to maintain the health of the skin, promote relaxation or to follow up a stimulating treatment and ensure fluid removal.

    Lymph support tools include gua sha, facial reflexology, lymphatic brushing, facial cupping, herbal poultices, etc.

    Indications include puffiness, allergies, sculpting concerns, dehydration and management of most skin conditions. In general, the more inflammation there is the more likely we will use manual lymphatic drainage instead of or in addition to lymph support.

  • Craniosacral therapy is based on the concept that the craniosacral system, which encompasses the brain, spinal cord, and related membranes, has its own rhythm and subtle movements. These movements can be felt and adjusted through gentle touch. By promoting relaxation and releasing restrictions in the craniosacral system, this therapy aims to optimize the functioning of the nervous system. This can potentially alleviate a wide range of conditions, from headaches and chronic pain to anxiety and insomnia, by facilitating the body's self-healing mechanisms and promoting overall nervous system regulation.

  • Cupping further targets the fascial system and is an effective tool to release fascial restrictions, often referred to as trigger points (i.e. knots in your muscles). It is sometimes helpful to combine with movement depending on your concerns.

    At the energetic level, cupping can also assist in moving stagnant energy within meridians.

    Either way, it is a powerful tool that can sometimes leave marks that look (but don't feel) like bruises. It is indicated for most people with incredibly tight tissue or restrictions.

  • NMR is a muscle testing technique that allows us to identify which muscles are receiving messages from your nervous system, and which ones are being inhibited.

    Most people with chronic pain have compensation patterns built over time - NMR allows us to better understand the patterns and retrain the body through massage and movement (i.e. strengthening and stretching at home).

    NMR can be done in any bodywork session. It requires some active participation and positioning on your part, and is a great way to lead our session if you have chronic concerns as well as provide some work to do at home.

Massage Modalities

  • LED light therapy is one of the most researched, safe and effective tools for aging and acne support. The Celluma utilizes NASA research to combine very specific wavelengths, distance and energy output for the best possible results.

    Red light works by stimulating ATP in the cells, giving them energy to perform important functions like creating new collagen and elastin. It also reduces inflammation.

    Blue light works by stimulating chromophores within C. acne bacteria that cause self-destruction… a fancy way of saying it kills bacteria in a very safe way.

    Infrared works by getting into the deepest layer of tissues and reducing inflammation.

    Red light is indicated for aging, pigmentation and wound healing. Blue light is indicated for acne and rosacea. Infrared is indicated for pain management and arthritis.

  • Chemical peels utilize combinations of acids, enzymes and other ingredients to remove top layers of the skin. This can help to stimulate new healthy cell production at the deepest layers, remove pigmentation, clear acne, improve hydration and more.

    Superficial peels with no shedding can be done monthly and added to any facial treatment. Deeper peels should be done only quarterly or within a series, and will only be done after a consultation and approval.

    Indicated for all skin concerns, especially acne, aging and dehydration.

  • The scalp treatment add-on is for anyone who has a dry or itchy scalp... or just wants to relax.

    It includes warm oil poured over the scalp, combing with a crystal Gua Sha comb and tension release massage with a ridged roller and/or hands.

    You will leave oily... if you want a scalp massage without oil, you can request that as an add in!

  • All treatments include aromatherapy with essential oil inhalation and herb-infused oils.

    Out of respect for your nervous system and your skin barrier, I do not use artificially fragranced products in any treatment. I do not apply essential oils to the face.

    In facial treatments, I also use herb-infused steam and herbal tea infusions on all my towels and in my rinsing water.

    Herbs and aromatherapy are intentionally chosen for their benefits to the skin, your nervous system, your concerns, favorite scents, energetic benefits or the astrology of the season.

  • All of my treatments are infused with energy work… this is not something you need to add. However, you may feel like you want to experience more intentional energy work during your treatment. Please note that I do not perform or call my energy work “reiki” for a variety of reasons, which I am happy to talk about if that concerns you.

    Hands-on energy work involves placing hands on part of your body. The entire time I am working and every time I place a resting hand on you somewhere, you are receiving hands-on energy work.

    Hands-off energy work takes place when my hands are floating above your body, generally close enough to still feel vibration, heat or flow.

    Chakra tuning is a full chakra balancing done with a combination of hands on/hands off energy work and tuning forks.

    Crystal healing involves using the natural vibrations of crystals to block, move or influence energy. During your treatment, crystals may be placed on or around you.

    Reflexology, gua sha and acupressure work with energy channels in the body based on traditional Chinese or Vietnamese healing frameworks. The goal is to remove blockages in the energetic pathways that manifest as disease in the body.

  • Sound healing is another form of energy work which uses vibration to influence energy.

    The goal is to bring the body, mind and spirit back into homeostasis through resonance. Vibrations and frequencies help gently shift us back into a balanced, healthy state. Sound healing also creates shifts in our brainwave states and nervous system.

    Carefully selected frequencies can shift the brain quickly into a theta brainwave state, which is a wonderfully healing, dream-like state. This will be harnessed right at the beginning of your treatment when tuning forks are placed on each side of your head.

    When the nervous system feels safe to do so, it will shift into “rest and digest” and the body will begin to heal itself. A carefully curated soundbath should ease the system into this restful state.

  • Acutonics tuning fork therapy uses meridians and principles from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) combined with planetary frequencies. The tuning forks are applied to specific acupressure points along the body's meridian pathways (channels through which energy, or qi, flows according to TCM theory). By stimulating or balancing these points with the vibrations from the tuning forks, Acutonics aims to regulate the flow of qi, addressing imbalances and promoting health

    The tuning forks used in Acutonics are tuned to specific frequencies associated with the planets, elements, and other celestial bodies in astrology and cosmology. This blending of TCM principles with astrological and cosmological archetypes is unique to Acutonics and adds another layer to its holistic approach to healing.

Other Modalities


Experience trauma-informed intraoral massage treatments for sculpting the face, managing pain, relieving headaches & more