Touch of Yin

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Say Goodbye to Skin Drama: The Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Eczema, Rosacea and Acne

When it comes to skincare, we’re all looking for that *miracle cure*, right? Well, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) isn’t exactly going to grant you perfect skin overnight (sorry!), but it’s as close as nature gets to a superpower for skin health. For people dealing with chronic skin conditions like eczema, rosacea or acne, lymphatic drainage can be a game-changer. It can be used on any person of any age as a preventative and supportive measure.

I love MLD for so many reasons and for me, it is a must in all facials to support my client’s skin health. I use it religiously in my self-care rituals and receive full body MLD regularly because I know the benefits. But when you have chronic conditions it is even more important—sometimes it is the only type of massage you should or can receive on your face because it is so incredibly gentle, it won’t cause irritation. There is no friction involved. You don’t even have to use product!

Let’s break down how it works with these 3 chronic conditions:

1. Eczema… because dry, itchy skin really sucks

Eczema flare-ups make you feel like you’re trapped in an eternal battle of scratching and slathering on creams. Fun times. But guess what? MLD can help soothe the inflammation that makes eczema so miserable.

  • Reduces inflammation: Imagine detoxing your skin’s baggage… MLD flushes out the irritating stuff that loves to make eczema worse.

  • Improves skin hydration naturally: Forget chasing the latest moisturizing trend on TikTok. MLD helps your body balance moisture on its own—no magic potions required. Think of it as giving your skin a VIP pass to smoother, less itchy days.

2. Rosacea… the ultimate “why is my race always red?” dilemma

Rosacea—when you’re not sunburned, but you look like it 24/7. Don’t forget the pimples on your cheeks that look like but are not acne! MLD can help tone down the redness (finally) and manage annoying rosacea symptoms.

  • Calms redness: The gentle massage moves excess fluid out so your skin doesn’t look like it’s been in a permanent state of panic. Less redness = fewer “are you okay?” questions from well-meaning strangers. And less irritating makeup to cover it up.

  • Soothes sensitive skin: Rosacea-prone skin freaks out at the slightest touch, but MLD’s delicate technique calms things down. It’s like whispering “Shhh, everything’s fine” to your skin.

3. Acne… because breakouts literally always pick the worst time to taunt you

If acne is crashing your skincare party like an uninvited guest, MLD can help kick it out. And no, we’re not talking about that DIY pimple-popping method you saw on TikTok (just stay off skincare TikTok, ok?).

  • Decongests skin: MLD gives your skin a detox by clearing out toxins and preventing congestion, which means fewer breakouts. No more surprise zits right before big events—well, mostly.

  • Regulates sebum: MLD helps your skin produce the *right* amount of oil. You know, enough to keep it suppble but not so much that you feel like a grease factory. It also makes sure hormones are flushed from the skin and reduces the chemical reactions that lead to sticky sebum (acne’s favorite food).

  • Reduces inflammation: MLD isn’t just gentle, it’s practically a diplomat when it comes to soothing angry, red acne spots. It can make breakouts less inflamed, less painful and less in-your-face.

  • Improves healing: One of the best things about MLD is that it can improve wound healing time and, as it reduces inflammation, it lowers your chance of being left with a permanent reminder of your breakout. Yup, you don’t have to deal with pigmentation and scarring after every single breakout!

Why Manual Lymphatic Drainage Works for Chronic Skin Conditions

Here’s the expert bit: skin conditions like eczema, rosacea and acne are often driven by inflammation, fluid retention and toxin buildup (yes, your skin holds grudges). The lymphatic system is like your body’s cleaning crew, but sometimes it needs a little help. Enter MLD—gentle, rhythmic massage that helps move out the waste and gunk that’s causing all those problems.

Adding in full body MLD takes this to another level by regulating digestion, detoxification, inflammation, hormones and—this is important—your nervous system. Chronic skin conditions are your body’s way of telling you something is off. Stress is a major trigger and relaxation is a powerful tool for managing chronic symptoms!

So, while MLD won’t turn you into a supermodel overnight, regular sessions can help your skin get its act together—detoxing, reducing inflammation and even fighting off those nasty breakouts and flare-ups. Who knew the most gentle massage ever could work such wonders?

How to Get More Lymphatic Drainage in Your Life

  1. Book a facial or bodywork with me if you are in Austin. I would recommend a full body MLD with face add on, or get a facial and add a full body MLD. You can also book an Ocean of Yin Somatic Experience, which incorporates a facial and full body MLD with craniofascial release and tuning fork therapy to encourage flow in all the connective (yin) tissues of the body.

    • It can take me anywhere from 30-45 mins to perform a thorough, full face lymphatic drainage for someone with chronic skin conditions. We need time if this is your main concern.

    • In a full facial we also utilize additional tools and techniques to support lymph flow, including honey tapping, facial cupping and lymphatic brushing.

    • Restricted fascia is often a huge blockage for lymph flow… this is why in bodywork and facials I like to combine MLD with myofascial release techniques for best results.

  2. Book with a Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage therapist near you for full body MLD or an esthetician who is certified in facial MLD. Be wary of Brazilian lymphatic drainage, machines that supposedly perform lymphatic drainage and anything with lots of oil or friction. These things have their place but if you are suffering from chronic skin conditions you need the real deal. True MLD is painless and performed on dry skin using rhythmic pumping and stretching motions—it is not a flowy or deep massage technique.

  3. Learn more about working with your own lymphatic system from Lymph Love Club. Once again, I will steer you away from TikTok… most of the influencers (and estheticians—sorry, it’s true) I have seen on social media have little to no professional training and are not giving correct information. Or they are overcomplicating things with tools that you don’t really need.

  4. If you want a tool, the only one I would recommend is The Lymphatic Brush. These are not regular dry brushes—they’re cool dry brushes. No but seriously… they are the best home lymphatic tool because of their unique construction AND are easy to implement in services if you are a practitioner. They are most effective if you have an understanding of the lymphatic system already, but even the most uneducated user can get great results with a little direction. Personally I use mine regularly (especially when my allergies make my eyes puffy and gross). I also use them in treatments and recommend them for any esthetician or bodyworker looking for another way to support lymph flow.

If you are curious about adding facial lymphatic drainage to your services as an esthetician, massage therapist or cosmetologist I have good news—I have a class for that! This workshop outlines the lymphatic system anatomy and physiology and simplifies lymphatic drainage so that you understand how to get results with your hands OR tools. Available online or in-person in Austin, TX.